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NEXD Defense Logo
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NEXD Industrial Logo
Messages from our Officers
What more could one ask for in the wild unknown of space. But where can you find such a thing? Well that lies with our Defensive Department.

Protection, Counter-strike, Reclamation. These are the core 3 duties of our department.

/// Prevent the disaster ///
/// Strike back against the assailant ///
/// Reclaim what was lost ///

Join the Defense Department to protect those who need it most! The people of NEXD! Bring your own fighter, or help crew one of our many battle ready starships.

MOTOwolf20.06.2024, 07:26
Industrial - SalvageAs a member of the Salvaging department, your main task will be to recycle everything from wrecks, any stuff or equipments usable to big chunk of platings, stripping armor from wreck and desintegrating the construction materials, everything matters, even the cargos you may find !

Salvaging got some hazards too so you 'll need to be prepared for anything coming at you and even help your teammates to repair and swap defective equipment.

It'll be a all-round department, knowledge and Craftyness will help the NEXD to shine even more and everyone count on you, us.

Join Salvage Subdivision now, and get us the good stuff!

pierrot9119.06.2024, 20:26
Industrial - MiningHello Citizens and Fellow Miners,

Choosing to be a miner is a fulfilling and satisfying job to earn your aUEC.

There are many ways to mine, such as hand-mining, ROC-mining, and using the Prospector or Mole (and the future Arastra).
Basically, it's all about knowing the rocks, what they hold, and what they need to break into ore.
In the NEXD mining division, we love to conduct operations with multiple ships.

That being said, it's necessary to have some rules and regulations that everyone must adhere to for smooth operations.
The Mining Commander oversees the operation to guide the miners and support ships on site.
A regular mining operation involves a few mining ships like the Prospector and Mole (the more, the better).
The Captain of the ship decides where to mine in cooperation with the Commander,
and the support manned turrets will listen to the Captain when multiple lasers are needed for mining.
If the operation involves multiple mining ships, there will be a Spotter to locate valuable rocks, allowing the miners to focus on mining without needing to seek another spot.

If there is no operation to join, you can always go mining on your own (or call for others to join you).
These guidelines apply to all kinds of mining operations, whether in caves or with the ROC.

Hopefully, you all are interested in the mining life.
See you in the verse.

Mike-Paint21.06.2024, 03:22
IndustrialWelcome to the NEXD Industrial Division,

I'm AizenKeel, the Division Commander.
At the NID (NEXD Industrial Division) we supply the corporation with the raw and refined materials needed to complete any construction project or equipment manufacturing project.

Mining Subdivision:
As one of our highly skilled specialists in Mining, you will fracture the very rocks and asteroids that contain the raw building blocks of life in the Universe! And whether you use one of the many stations for refinement or the specialized starships, your guaranteed to always have work! and a nice bit of credits!!

Salvage Subdivision:
Derelict ships, scrap plates of metal, and other nuisances that clutter our planets and space must be dealt with. With that, in flies NID's ELITE team of Salvagers! equipped with the latest in fracture and scraping technology, from the small single person Vulture to the CAPITAL class starship eating Reclaimer, no RMC or CM is safe!

See you in the Verse, Citizen!
AizenKeel26.06.2024, 04:29
Science - MedicalWelcome to the Medical Division of NEXD.

We here at MedCats, like we call us internaly, aim to be an all around service to our Members in all matter health care and rescue operations.

From the lowest crewman to the top brass, we provide state of the art medical service in all regards. No matter if you need your monthly ( company side required ) health check ups, meds for the newest alien flue you did catch on guard duty or an rescue from a alien planet.
Our teams stand ready to keep you alive and get you home safely.

"Trust us with your Life"

We provide Search & Rescue, combat site evacuation, mobile and hospital treatment, pharmacy and medical supplies for patients throughout the UEE.

“Your Life is our buissnes”

Besides our service to NEXD members in all their medical needs we also provide our rescue services to the citizens of the UEE for a adequate fee.
We can even rescue you from your free time cave dive accidents or out of hot zones if youre a professional in need for help.

"We cover you."

And if the worst case happens. Then you will reawaken safely in a brand new body in one of our cloning stations.

"We keep You alive for your next adventure"

How to reach us - For members:
You can be proactive and friend up with the chief medical officer ZockerKitty on discord and ingame. ( On a later point we might have an seperate dispatch officer of the watch )
On discord you can use the -look for group- channel to post your help request.
And you can join the NEXD Chat's ingame to quickly ask if a rescue team member is ready to help you. ( As of now ingame chat channels are manualy managed by ZockerKitty and need to be redone after each patch as they get mostly ereased by cig ) If you want in just tell her via DM.

"On the forefront of medical research"
While the Scince division do all kinds of research projects themselfs, we lighten their load a bit by running our own laboratorys for daily needs and our explorer teams. There many things one can find between the stars and on the ground of a planet. Alien plants, strange animals, new substances, old healing techniques from lost civilisations. Often this things are even hidden below in caves. Some of them might be key to new medical cures. And the more adventures souls under us are going to find them to the benfit of us all.

The Medical Division is always on the lookout for people who are intrested to help us expand the services we can provide. The primary Personal we hire will be of course medical. Nurses, Medics, Doctors, Scientists, Lab Workers. But we also need Escort and Transport Pilots, Security details, Cleaners, Pathfinders, Technicans, Logistics and many more to work properly.
In most cases we work tightly together with the other divisions of NEXD to fill those needs. But we also welcome people in our midst that want to join our division to provide this special skill sets directly.
Please contact: Themba "ZockerKitty" Omari directly if youre intrested to join NEXD M.C. Medical Division.

If youre intrested to help medical but not want to become an full division member then you can enlist als a "Medical Field Helper" to acompany divison teams or help out in general on our locations and ships. Please contakt "Zockerkitty" as well for entry on that list.

ZockerKitty24.06.2024, 15:48
CorporateJoin NEXD Corporate: The Heartbeat of Our Organization!

At NEXD, Corporate is the lifeblood that keeps our players active, engaged, and happy. We have a variety of exciting sub-sections where you can make a real impact. Whether you love organizing events, competing, or training, there’s a place for you here!

Why Join NEXD Corporate?

  • Host and Compete in Racing Events (Export Division)

  • Passionate about racing? Join our Export Division to host thrilling race events or race against other organizations. Bring your competitive spirit and lead us to victory!

Comprehensive Training Programs

  • Training is crucial at NEXD. We need dedicated members who are knowledgeable in all roles and can assist other players. If you love helping others and improving your skills, our training programs are for you.

What We Offer:

  • Engaging Activities: Participate in and organize events that keep the game exciting.

  • Skill Development: Learn and master various roles to become an indispensable part of the team.

  • Community and Support: Be part of a supportive community that values every member.

Ready to make a difference? Join us at NEXD Corporate and help shape the future of our organization!

Contact us today to get started!
XFinalChanceX25.06.2024, 16:37