Star Citizen
Bounty List
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Public Bounty List
Claim a bounty by hunting down individuals listed on this page.
Anyone can claim a bounty. For evidence of the kill send a screenshot that proves it to

People on this list have a negative attitude towards NEXD and are most likely responsible for the death of innocent players or the destruction of NEXD-owned property.
GummiBearZzLast known location: Gallete Family Farms - Cellin - Crusader - Stanton

Crime comitted: Murder in one case

While trading goods suspect started a group attack agaubst a NMG member. It eventually lead to killing and destroying his/her/their ship and denying further transport by camping at Gallete Family Farms.
Last seen:26.12.2022, 08:28500.000 aUEC
GndmVpeLast known location: EU Server - Brio's Breaker Yard - Daymar - Stanton

Crime comitted: Vehicle Destruction

Cause for destruction of org owned vehicles containing valuable goods (100+ SCU)
Last seen:10.12.2023, 13:03475.000 aUEC
MAD_NATELast known location: HDMS-Lathan - Arial - Hurston - Stanton

Crime comitted: Murder in two cases

Killed two players one of which being a NEXD member, while being helped out in a smaller ground mining operation. Ship: DRAKE Cutter
Last seen:12.01.2023, 12:15750.000 aUEC
Bard7274Last known location: US Server - Evarus Harbor - Hurston - Stanton

Crime comitted: Murder

Potentially spawn killing, confirmed murder in a single case
Last seen:23.03.2024, 22:271.000.000 aUEC